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(Download) "Salvador, Brazil" by John Waggoner # eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

Salvador, Brazil

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eBook details

  • Title: Salvador, Brazil
  • Author : John Waggoner
  • Release Date : January 10, 2013
  • Genre: Latin America,Books,Travel & Adventure,
  • Pages : * pages
  • Size : 9570 KB


One of Brazil's greatest legacies is the heritage and natural beauty of the Northeast Region. Once little more than forgotten hinterlands, the Northeast today has a number of prosperous cities and amazing cultural diversity. Apart from the tropical warmth and the customary cordiality of the local population, it is difficult to generalize about the region. There are infinite variations on the cuisine, but it revolves around basic themes such as shellfish along the coast, rustic inland dishes, such as sun-dried beef (carne de sol), and manioc served everywhere in its various forms. The coastline offers mangrove and coconut groves, the beaches with different textures of sand, different water colors, some with dunes, some with coral reefs, some with transparent deltas and sand bars, some crowded, some deserted. This book focuses on the Lower Northeast and Salvador. This region includes grand old Bahia state, with its famous and sophisticated capital of Salvador, the site of much South American history, and a coastline dotted with spectacular beaches and inland destinations. Salvador is one of Brazil's top destinations for beaches and cultural life. The rich Colonial past dotted Salvador with churches and fortresses, giving this colorful city a romantic backdrop. The tropical climate, easy-going style of the baianos and baianas, and sultry nightlife make Salvador immortal in the Brazilian imagination. Colonial history began when Portuguese explorer Tome de Souza built up Salvador da Bahia in 1549 as the Governor-General of the Brazilian colonies shortly after the arrival of Europeans. Salvador claims to have the only truly medieval castle in Brazil from this period. Most people want to enjoy the beaches, and if this is your goal you might consider one of the excellent resorts or side-trips to the Coconut Coast, a day-trip to Itaparica Island or even catch a ferry or single-engine air-taxi to whisk you to the Dende Coast for a two- or three-day side-trip. Scuba diving is a good option in Salvador, with its legacy of shipwrecks left by Colonial battles (there are more wrecks here than anywhere else in the world) or, if you prefer above-water fun, there are hydrofoil excursions to the islands of the bay. Or head inland to Chapada Diamantina if you have a few days extra. The Guinness Book of World Records claims Salvador's carnival is the biggest street party in the world. Well over two million partiers take to the streets, dancing in an explosion of spontaneity and chaos. There are numerous other festivals here as well. This guide has all the details you need to make your trip unforgettable - what to see and do, where to stay, where to eat, how to get here and how to get around, the history, the culture, and much more. With color photos and maps throughout.

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